Tuesday, September 23, 2014

LIVE from class TONIGHT!

We created Animoto videos to share about ourselves.WHAT FUN! Check it out...


Monday, September 22, 2014

edWeb.net a professional learning and social network

If you are not already a member of this AMAZING resource…STOP right now and do it! Before you read on! Prior to joining the Leadership 3.0 community I joined the Assessment for Learning community and participated in the live webinar titled: Closing the Achievement Gap with Productive Struggle
Presented by Dr. Philip Lanoue, Superintendent of Clarke County public schools, Athens, Georgia, Kristina Patel, 8th grade math teacher at Clarke Middle School, and Aoife Dempsey, Chief Technology Officer for Triumph Learning
Airdate: 8/26/14

What a FANTASTIC way to connect and learn from the best minds and practitioners in the field of education! According to Eric Sheninger, this is “an EXCITING time to be a digital leader and learner! I can learn anytime, anywhere, from anyone!” And with the continual availability of web tools and social media this has never been truer.
What stood out to me from the webinar presented by Eric Sheninger, Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times is that the willingness to change is indicative of instructional leadership. During this webinar Sheninger outlined the 7 Pillars of Digital Leadership illustrated in the graphic below.

Sheninger says that leadership has not changed but rather it is our style, mindset, and behaviors that MUST change. He affirms that learners are changing, “this is their new world… and we cannot expect them to learn without their tools” and reminds us that “what we fear is what we don’t know.” We can’t allow our lack of understanding keep them from learning in the our schools while they are with us, Sheninger defines Digital Leadership as, “embracing the tools of our age to do what we do better, to unlock our potential and to leverage the collective knowledge of each and every one of us who are trying as hard as we can with all the many pressures to help our kids be the best that they can be!” WOW!!! Now that’s what I’m talking about!PLN (Personal Learning Network) “It’s PERSONAL! Cultivate and grow it”  Check out Sheninger’s blog for a quick start  guide…http://esheninger.blogspot.com/2010/08/pln-quick-start-guide.html
And I could easily go on and on…but instead I’ll leave you with this and encourage you again, to join the community at http://home.edweb.net YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID!“Be that catalyst and champion for the change that our students deserve and yearn for. They want to have the opportunity to use these real-world tools (mobile learning devices)”

Presenter: Dwight Carter, Principal, Gahanna Lincoln High School in Gahanna, Ohio
Airdate: 6/3/14

Another AWESOME watch! Build today’s learners with the 4 C’s: Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, and Critical Thinking say principal Dwight Carter from Gahanna HS in Ohio. He encourages us by stating, “You have to create the environment for the 4 C’s to take place.”
What really got me was the story Cater told about Ian Jukes (http://www.apbspeakers.com/speaker/ian-jukes) research when he asked a 16 year old student to describe his experience at school and the young student offered the following analogy, “Going to school is like getting on an airplane. When I go to school they ask me to have a seat, buckle up, and turn off all electronic devices.” Thus, school is compared to boarding a plane; a passive experience L Sad but true…
“Our kids are different.”

Cater encourages us…”as your changing the mindset also change what the learning spaces look like and how they can be used.”

GOOD STUFF!!! Check it all out at Leadership 3.0 :) Until next time remember...It's okay to not know but it's not okay to not try

Aspiring Administrator, LINDA

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


First evening back in class :) Exciting and scary at the same time...Vickey Sullivan is NO JOKE! She is a techno-beast! I am excited to continue to learn more about technology, specifically for administrators but at the same time am a little scared because I know what lies ahead. Ready, set, GO!